Easter is right around the corner! And with it brings decorated eggs, fluffy bunnies, and even little chicks. However, while Easter might currently be celebrated as an official start to spring with it’s adorable animals, hidden eggs, and plastic-grass-filled baskets, this is not why Christians celebrate it. the Story Behind Easter Here’s the short of […]
In 2016, I was laid off. Not based off performance, skills, personality, or work ethic. I was laid off because the agency was closing it’s doors due to its financial state. Thankfully, I was laid off and offered severance versus one day showing up to an office that had truly closed it’s doors to its […]
We’re officially in the thick of November. How? I’m not sure. This year seems to be flying by. I guess that’s what happens when you’re a full-time working mom and wife ???? Anyway, as I look forward to the day we have to set aside thanks, I’m also struggling with how easy it is to get […]
Marriage isn’t for me. I had this first realization a couple months into my marriage even though Patrick and I had been together for years prior to “I do”. I knew Patrick – his idiosyncrasies, his values, and his goals. Honestly, I think it’s safe to say I knew everything about Patrick and visa-versa. So […]
I have one tattoo. It was so small that the tattoo artist laughed at me and didn’t even charge me for it, “That it; that’s all you want? Just two small lines?” To some people, that’s all it is and all it ever will be. Honestly, there was a point in my life where that’s […]